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"Get in touch with us today"

Phone: (02) 4722 3039

Mobile: 0416 018 716


Address: Unit 18 The Broadwalk,(Opposite the Discount Pharmacy)
458 High Street, Penrith, NSW 2750

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Read all about it...

The Tuition Place News


2/2/2025 :Welcome back to the centre

We hope everyone has had a restful summer break. The Tuition Place will resume lessons on 3 February 2025.

We would like to welcome all old and new students to the centre, getting ready with new challenges such as NAPLAN, Selective Tests and other in-school assessments.

Have a great term everyone!



Last week of Term 4

Friday, 20 December 2024 is our last day of Term 4 at The Tuition Place.

We will start the new academic year on Monday, 3 February 2025.

NAPLAN is in March, so please come back on time to get enough practice before it is too late!

Please feel free to contact us any time during the break if you have any questions or concerns.

We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!




Term 3 Holidays

The Tuition Place will close from 28/9/2024 - 13/10/2024 for school holidays.

We wish everyone a wonderful break and we will see you all again starting Monday, 14/10/2024!!

Term 4 is a major term with lots of placement and final exams taking place. We strongly recommend all students to return to lesson on Day 1 to start preparing for the final assessment of 2024.

See you all in October!



 22/7/2024 : Welcome Back to the Centre 

We hope everyone has had a restful break. The Tuition Place will resume lessons on Monday 22 July 2024.

We encourage students to return on the first week after the break to kick start with another new term.

Have a great Term 3 everyone!

*For new students to enrol, please give us a call on 0416 018 716.




Term 2 Holidays

The Tuition Place will close from 6/7/2024 - 21/7/2024 for school holidays.

We wish everyone a wonderful break and we will see you all again starting Monday, 22/7/2024, even though it is a student free day in most schools!

Make up lesson for King's Birthday and Term 3 new student assessments will be scheduled on -15/7 Monday - please contact us for an appointment.








Public Holiday - King's Birthday

Next Monday, 12th June, is a public holiday.

The Tuition Place will not be open on that day.

Monday students can make up the missed lesson during the Term 2 Winter Holidays as discussed.



2/4/2022 :Last Week of Term 1

This week marks the end of Term 1 2022, and we will resume on 26 April, Tuesday. Term 2 is generally a big one - NAPLAN and mid year exam in all schools! Please keep in mind, The Tuition Place is here to help with all these preparations!

But for now, we wish everyone a wonderful Easter break! Get recharged, and be ready for a full on term 2!


20/3/2022 :Back to the Basic !

A few days ago, an announcement regarding the reform of the NSW education curriculum was made. Major focus will be on grammar, punctuation and mathematics for primary school students. You can access the news by clicking here.

At The Tuition Place, we always believe that going back to basic is the right approach, and that has been our practice in the past two decades, and we will continue to do so! We will still focus on all times tables, not just 2, 4, 5 and 10 as suggested!




25/03/2021 : We are almost there for Easter Break !

Please be informed that The Tuition Place will be closed from Thursday 1 April for Easter Break.

We will resume lessons on 19 April Monday. 

We wish everyone a wonderful break and get recharged to face a more challenging Term 2 with assessments starting to kick in!






28/02/2021:  Problem Solving is back!

We will be resuming problem solving activities in a new way! Please stay tuned and keep an eye on our problem corner !



24/11/2020:  The end of the school year is fast approaching

Tuition Place lessons finish for the term on Saturday 5th December and resume for 2021  on Thursday 28th January


9/10/2020:  It's time to get back into it!

Lessons resume on Monday 12th October.

Everyone at The Tuition Place is looking forward to seeing everyone back, ready and eager to learn.

Have a great weekend. See you next week.



8/10/2020:  Term 4 - the time to get things finished

Excellent learning requires that final step of going over things again to make sure they stick. During Term 4 at The Tuition Place we can complete the skill development that we mightn't have had time to complete earlier. We can also consolidate all the gains of the year and set things up for an enjoyable, successful 2021.


6/10/2020:  Term 4 - the best time to be a Tuition Place student

The speed of the introduction of new concepts at school usually slows a little in Term 4. This allows us to concentrate more on the things you specifically need. At a time when others might be falling off the pace, you can be surging ahead.




After mastering basic division, that extra step to dividing with remainders can be a daunting. That's why we've developed a new interactive activity to assist students to become confident with this important skill.

Students first select the multiples, then count them (yellow). They then count the remainders (red) to obtain the final result.





There's been some free time available over the past few months. We've used it to develop lots of excellent new teaching/learning activities.

There are maths activities relating to ratios, powers, algebra and statistics. There are English activities involving word and writing skills and advanced senior techniques. 

All of these new activities will begin to be used in the new term, starting this Monday.




We're ready to go with Term 3 tuition on Monday. Those enrolled last term will automatically be included in the timetable unless you inform us otherwise.

Others who are thinking of resuming or starting lessons, now is the ideal time to let us know. Because of our staged reopening there are vacancies in most time slots.



We're running lessons at The Tuition Place again now but that doesn't mean those having lessons at home need to change. If you prefer the remote lessons, continuing them is no problem.

It's your choice.



It's full steam ahead - almost - from the start of Term 3. We'll be allowing 8 students at a time, along with 4 tutors.

This means there will be vacancies now at all times. Let us know if you want to take up one of the spaces.

Lessons begin Monday 20th July.






Term 3 is approaching. It is a term when teachers need to make sure that everything is covered. If things have fallen behind, catching up will need to be done. This is the "no excuses" term. Everything has to be completed. There is also less time to revise what is being taught during Term 3.

Your Tuition Place lessons will help you keep up with what can be a bewildering array of new skills and concepts that need to be mastered pretty much immediately.



Paying by Direct Credit

To help us maintain social distancing please, if you can, pay fees by direct credit. Out bank details for this are on our Contact page.

Alternatively you can use your credit card by phone.



1/ 6/2020:

Public Holiday

Next Monday, 8th June, is a public holiday.

The Tuition Place will not be open on that day.

Monday students can make up the missed lesson at any convenient time that we have a vacancy or on our Make-up Day, Monday 6th July.



Reopening: The Second Stage

Things are going well, so we're moving to the second stage of our reopening next week.

We will allow six students at a time now, along with four members of staff.

This is just a small change, but it means that there is room for one more student at every place on the timetable.



"At Home" Students: Homework Sheets

Our students receiving their lessons remotely at home are sent homework by email.

Feel free to handle these in a manner that suits you. If you want us to mark them, scan  completed homework sheets and send them to us by return email.



School Assessments

As school resumes, teachers will want to catch up on assessments.

If you have the right skills and confidence, you can enjoy these assessments, achieve good grades from them and learn a lot in the process.

Your Tuition Place lessons will assist you to accumulate your skills and develop confidence. They will also give you access to support and advice to help you to succeed.



Surviving the Stampede

As at-school lessons resume, your teacher will be keen to get through a huge amount of new skills, topics and areas of study. Sometimes there might seem to be a stampede of new things coming at you all at once.

Your Tuition Place lessons will help you to keep up with all of this and to catch up on things that you have missed.



"From Home" Students: Facetime

We have mostly been using phones to communicate during remote lessons. If you would rather use Facetime or WhatsApp however, let us know and we will arrange it.




Social Distancing at The Tuition Place

At this first stage of our reopening we are keeping the numbers down and the distances between people up. The numbers are limited to a maximum of five students and three members of staff, including Ted.

There is still room for more however. To find out if  there is a vacancy at a time that suits you give us a ring at any time on  4722 3039.



Missing Links

With the disruption to schooling there's bound to be things that you've missed along the way. Try to find out what they are and let your tutor know.

It's times like this that make Tuition Place tuition so valuable. We'll be paying special attention to finding out about and fixing gaps that have appeared in your learning progress. 



We're Back!

The Tuition Place has reopened, helping students on site again. There are very limited numbers to keep things safe. There is still room for more at various times though.

We also have quite a few students choosing to have their lessons remotely. That is going well too.



Paying by Direct Credit

To help us maintain social distancing please, if you can, pay fees by direct credit. Out bank details for this are on our Contact page.

Alternatively you can use your credit card by phone.




On Line Students: Controlling the sound

If you are doing our "From Home" lessons, you can enable the sound on your own computer, giving you control of the sound. Click the "Enable Sound" button shown here with the red arrow. Let your tutor know if you are doing this.




Time to Choose

Everyone has the choice from next week of either having the remote "at home" lessons, or having your lessons at The Tuition Place.

If you haven't done so already, could you please let us know which you prefer. Even with the restrictions, there are still many places available at The Tuition Place. If you prefer the remote lessons, that is fine too. 




New Learning Activities

We're using our Covid spare time to develop new teaching/learning resources. You can look forward to many new experiences coming on line this term. In particular there will be new maths activities for junior high school students and new "mini lessons" for English students.





We are reopening on Monday 11th May! If you want to be included, contact us now.

There will have to be some contitions at first:

1. Students will have to be dropped off at the door, with parents not staying.

2. A limit of five students present at any one time.

3. Noone with any symptoms to attend.




Confidence is most important ingredient for success in the current situation. You need to be settled in for the term and approaching school tasks with a positive attitude.

Just knowing you have The Tuition Place tutors to help you is a wonderful head start to having self-confidence. You will always have help when you need it!



Lessons from Home Still Available

There are still places available in our Lessons from Home service. If you would like to join in, let us know. When we restart, you can transfer to our normal lessons or continue with the remote learning.



The Tuition Place will return on 11th May!

We'll be back on the 11th May, at the same time as the reopening of schools. The places available at first will be very limited, so that we can keep personal spacing in line with government directions. Also parents will be asked to drop children at the door, with all fee payments to be made by internet direct credit.

Let us know if you want to be included.



Any Location

The Tuition Place is the product of the achievement of wonderful improvement and success amongst children of the Penrith area for 25 years. Starting this term, our on-line teaching/learning system is available to anyone, regardless of where you live. It costs nothing to try it out. Contact Ted on  02 4722 3039  or  0416 018 716  to arrange a free, no-obligation first lesson. Alternatively you can register your interest at  //  and we will contact you.



Our Staged Comeback

We're planning on returning students in stages, like the schools. We will start with a small number of students on 11th May, with increases as everything unfolds. Preference will be given to those who are currently having remote lessons from home. Any of those who prefer it are welcome to continue with the "at home" lessons.  



Resumption of Lessons

It looks like we won't make the 4th May reopening.

We should be able to get something going from 11th May though. It will have to be "staged", in line with the schools. This means a limited number of students at The Tuition Place from 11th May, gradually increasing to be running normally from the beginning of Term 3.

In the meantime our remote "from home" lessons are going very well. If you haven't joined them, let us know if you would like to give them a try. Go to // to find out more.




Suspension of Lessons

A Message from Ted

The Tuition Place has closed, with a view to reopening on 4th May, the second week of Term 2

The Latest government regulations haven't specifically stated that tuition centres should close, but it has closed many enterprises that bring people together in a similar manner to The Tuition Place. I feel that I shouldn't expect others to close while being unwilling to do so myself.

I will keep lessons going for those who have arranged Lessons from Home. Let me know if you would like to start having Lessons from Home.

If you have a special requirement for lessons, like a need for help with school assessment tasks, please also let me know and I will do what I can to help you.

Fees will have to be adjusted. This can be done via credit towards next term, extra lessons next term or refund. Please let me know your preference.

A long life has taught me that we tend to cherish memories of difficult times. I wish everyone cherished future memories of our experiences this year.

Regards,     Ted



With children likely to miss school over the coming months, the need for tuition will become greater. We're developing the resources to offer to those who would prefer it, Tuition Place tuition from home over the internet.

It will involve guidance by the same wonderful tutors and the same activities, all accessible from home. Tuition fees will be the same.

We are planning for it to become available from the beginning of next term.

We'll keep you posted on this News page as things develop.



    We're  running our Term 2 Facebook promotion again. Like and share us on Facebook and receive $10 off your Term 2 fees. Those who have received the discount before: just keep us shared and receive the discount again.



3/3/2Maths Tuition020:

A lot has been said lately about too much use of mobile phones causing harm to children's development. I'm sure the same is true about overuse of calculators. I've experienced too often a deterioration in mathematical ability that I am sure is caused by calculators being always around. The best learning is done without calculators, with them becoming a useful tool after concepts are mastered. Too often students are learning about which buttons to press. This can prevent the ability to see the processes involved.


25/2/2020:Maths Tuition

Twenty five years running a tuition centre has taught me many things. One of them is that it just about never happens that someone can be good at English, while being unable to excel at maths (or vice versa).

The most common reason for someone to not succeed at maths is not lack of ability. It is the gradual build-up of "holes" in mathematical understanding - the little things that are not quite mastered, destroying foundations for what is happening now.

That's what I see as the most important purpose of maths tuition - the filling in of these holes from the past so that the student can thrive now. 



Some of our teaching/learning activities are accessible from home. If you are interested in this, ask your tutor to set you up for them. You can check them out on this web site at Access to Activities



Term 1 2020: Everything's new!

Many things change as you go into the new school year. Your new teacher will try to find time to spend revising last year's work. Then will come what can be a bewildering array of new things. There will be new concepts to master, a new environment to adapt to and new assessments to prepare for.

Your Tuition Place tuition will support you in facing all of this with confidence, allowing you to have a successful, enjoyable year.



The Tuition Place resumes lessons on Thursday 30th January.

This means that students with lessons on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday will have their first lesson on 3rd, 4th or 5th February.


We're working hard improving and extending our teaching resources.

We've acquired a new range of English teaching resources to help with the teaching of grammar and poetry. With regard to maths, we're developing some activities for the improved teaching of volume.



A couple of tips to avoid mistakes with your mathematics:

1. Estimate what the answer might be before you start. Example: You are measuring your loungeroom for floor tiles. First pace out the length and width. If you get 5m and 3 m, an estimate of the area will be 15m. Then do the calculations of all the nooks and crannies. If your answer isn't near to 15m, then check for mistakes.

2. Do calculations yourself, then check by using a calculator. This is a very powerful way of avoiding mistakes, because humans and calculators tend to make different sorts of mistakes. If you get the same answer both ways, you are fairly much sure to be right.

3. Check each step of a calculation as you go. With practice it doesn't take that much extra time to do these checks, but they will eliminate most mistakes



Council work means the eastern entrance to Judges Place Car Park is closed for a while. The western entrance, accessed from the Union Road roundabout, is still open though.


Teaching high school maths by the topic can lead to failure.Maths Coaching

Our brains are programmed to start forgetting things immediately we learn them. If you don't revisit them soon, a large part of the benefit is lost. Often students are learning a new topic while they are forgetting the previous one. Pressure on teachers to get ahead can make systematic revision difficult.



Slow learner?

In 24 years as a tutor I have found every reason to be optimistic about slow learners. Two of these reasons:

1. Slow learners may take longer, but they can get there! I havLiteracy and Numeracye never reached the point where I have said to myself "That's it. This student can't progress any further."

2. I have observed many times that slow learners, when they master something, tend to master it better than quick learners

Have a good day.



Term 3 is when you can really find out that you are having a successful year. It is when all the skills, topics and areas of study begin to come together and make sense, when all the little things you have mastered one-at-a-time need to be melded together and understood as a unit. For many students this is the hardest part of the learning process, but a very important part for success in major exams and for laying a foundation for future progress.

The individual nature of lessons at The Tuition Place ensure that you are able to achieve this broad understanding and gain confidence and fulfilment in knowing that you are having a successful year..



Term 3 is approaching. It is a term when teachers need to make sure that everything is covered. If things have fallen behind, catching up will need to be done. This is the "no excuses" term. Everything has to be completed. There is also less time to revise what is being taught during Term 3.

Your Tuition Place lessons will help you keep up with what can be a bewildering array of new skills and concepts that need to be mastered pretty much immediately.


And so the term is coming to an end. And what a term it has been! Not one student is at the same place they were at the beginning of the term. They have all made incredible progress at their own pace and every parent should be proud. 

Finally, it is time for a well deserved break. We hope that everyone enjoys Easter with family and other loved ones. Looking forward to exciting things in the term ahead!

The lack of homework throughout the holidays means that reading is important. make sure you reserve time to read, especially younger students.

Again, happy Easter!


Does your child struggle with mathematics? What about English? How about a bit of both? The Tuition Place, we know that sometimes, children need assistance with more than one aspect of their schooling. But more often than not, two or three-hour lessons are not possible. Speak to us today, to find out how we can tailor our lessons to give your child assistance in various subjects. This might be through doing 30-45 minute lessons in both maths and English or alternating between subjects from week to week, or term to term.  It is our goal to create the most effective structure for your child as an individual. 


Repetition is extremely important when it comes to mastering a specific skill. If students receive similar, or even the same homework two weeks in a row don't be alarmed! it just means we need the repeated practice of a skill in order to really cement it! Additionally, at home, get your child to go through their homework more than once. For example, if they have a spelling list, try to go through it every day or every two days. This helps speed the learning process along and create the best possible results. Repeat, repeat repeat!


Sometimes students struggle to learn when they are disinterested in a subject. Especially when it comes to reading. Students seem to catch on far quicker if they are reading about something they really love. If your child has any specific interests or hobbies make sure you let us know. We believe that tailoring our lessons to the individual student, their tastes and preferences are the best way to get the results you want! Additionally, if your child loves a specific book, bring it in! We can create a ehole range of activities to match their favourite books including comprehension, sentence structures and word skills.


Writing is a critical skill that all students require in order to succeed, as it is applied in all areas of learning. At the same time, it is probably the hardest skill to master. Our English tutors are highly skilled writers that have extensive experience in many forms of writing. This includes various text forms such as procedures, expositions, explanations, discussions and narratives for junior students as well as essays, short responses and creative writing for senior students. Ask us how we can help improve your child's writing today!


Thanks for everyone for such a great start to the term! We are looking forward to developing our relationships with our existing students and learning all about our new ones! If you know someone that you think would benefit from tutoring at The Tuition Place be sure to let them know!


Unfortunately, all holidays must come to an end, but The Tuition Place is excited to jump right back into learning! We will be commencing classes on Monday 4th Feb and are looking forward to seeing students, old and new, in the coming weeks.


Even though there is still plenty of school holiday time left, we hope that students are starting to thinking about going back to school and this year's academic goals. In particular, it is important that senior students begin to think about their goals regarding the HSC. We have amazing tutors which are equipped to teach a range of HSC subjects including mathematics, English, science and the Humanities. Be sure to contact us so that your child can get the results they want across all of their HSC subjects.


Happy New Year to everyone! We hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year and continue to enjoy their summer break. For The Tuition Place, 2019 will be a year for smashing goals and creating significant progress with our amazing students. Through ongoing training and development, our tutors are getting even better and will strive to make 2019 a great academic year.

23/12 2018:

Thanks to everyone for such an incredible 2018. We have seen so much progress and growth in all of our students and could not be more proud. We would also like to wish everyone an amazing Christmas and a happy new year! We know that 2019 will be a great year and we are excited to see both new students and old in the coming year! 

5/12 2018:

Just one of the lovely reviews we have received:

"The Tuition Place is one of the best tutoring experiences we have had! The girls are always excited to go, the tuition is fun using technology and face to face work, and is one of the most budget friendly places around whilst maintaining great quality. You wont be disappointed with the Tuition place."

The Tuition Place strives to deliver the highest quality tuition to students in the Penrith area. We love getting feedback like this and work hard to maintain great results with our students. 

4/12 2018:

As students enter their senior years, they will be challenged by new concepts and methods which cannot be mastered simply through the memory of facts. This has become especially true with the new senior syllabus, which has been deliberately created to limit the rote learning of essays for HSC exams. Students are required to think critically, reflect and respond in a sophisticated way. This is an important skill which is hard for some students to grasp. The Tuition Place has talented tutors who are well equipped to teach these skills to senior students, providing them with the confidence to succeed in English and other subjects. 

28/11 2018:

"You may not be there yet. but you're closer than you were yesterday."

We know that sometimes learning new skills and concepts can be extremely challenging. It can be frustrating for students when they cannot master a concept straight away, or feel like they are behind their peers. Although learning can feel like a slow process, every minute equals process. Our talented tutors create lessons that cater to a student's individual needs to ensure they make the most efficient use of their time and catch up as soon as possible. 

22/11 2018:

The school environment is one in which children develop many important skills, constantly surrounded by friends and peers. However, at times this social environment can make it difficult for some students to focus, which can have a significant effect on the child's mastering of basic skills and concepts as well as more complex ideas. The Tuition Place provides individualised support to students who may have fallen behind at school or to those who need the one-on-one, distraction-free support that is not provided at school. Additionally, Place can help high performing students who want to further advance and expand their existing skills.

14/11 2018: Congratulations Year 12 Students!

The Tuition Place would like to congratulate all of our year 12 students who have finally completed their HSC exams. The past year was a challenge for each of them in many different ways, but each student worked extremely hard. It was a pleasure watching their skills develop and amazing to see them smashing their goals. Good luck to you all! We know that you will succeed in whatever you try!

30/10 2018: Term 4! The best time to be a student at The Tuition Place!

The speed in which teachers introduce new concepts often slows down during the final term of the year. This provides the perfect opportunity to concentrate on difficult concepts and catch up on lost time. This will ensure students remain up-to-date and in line with (or ahead of) the rest of their cohort!

12/9 2018: A special offer!

Do you know anyone who would benefit from The Tuition Place? A brother? A sister? Cousin? Friend? Neighbour? By referring someone you know, both of you will pay only $290 for term 4!

Call us, or come in to get this special deal!

(9 x lessons for Kindergarten to year 10 only)

2/7 2018: Term 3: an important time for senior students!

It probably goes without saying that term three is an extremely important time for year 11 and 12 students.

Year 11 students: This is their last term of year 11! Senior courses have been effectively designed so that they begin year 12 after having mastered foundational skills throughout year 11. It is important that students have a strong grasp of this content before they move on to their final year of school.

Year 12 students: This is their final term before exams! This is a stressful and overwhelming time period for even the highest achieving students, and it is vital students create a balance between work, study and play in order to achieve the best possible results.

The Tuition Place specialises in providing guidance to senior so that they can gain a strong understanding of course content and achieve the results they want.

26/6 2018: Welcome to Term 3!

great to see everyone back this week after what we hope was an excellent break!

Term 3 is an extremely important time where students will learn what often seems to be a bewildering array of new skills and concepts. The Tuition Place is here to assist students in cementing skills from terms 1 & 2 while also assisting in teaching these new skills quickly and effectively. 

1/5 2018: Surviving the Stampede!

After spending the majority of term 1 revising last year's work, teachers will be keen to get through a huge amount new skills, topics and areas of study in term 2. Sometimes it can feel as though there is a stampede of new, complex ideas coming to students all at once! The Tuition place will help students with this stress and assist them in keeping up or catching up on things they may have missed. 

17/5 2018: Assessment Time

There are often lots of exams and assessments during term two. Teachers need to have everything ready for half-yearly reports at the end of . 

If students have the right skills and confidence, they can enjoy completing assessments, achieve good grades from them and learn a lot in the process.

Tuition Place lessons assist students in accumulating these skills and developing confidence. Students have access to support and advice that will contribute to this success!

10/5 2018: Confidence is key!

Confidence is the most important ingredient for success this year. It is essential for success that students are settled to confidently tackle their school work. English and maths assistance at the Tuition Place is a wonderful head start in gaining this self-confidence. Our talented tutors are here to help in building these skills!

3/5 2018: Welcome back! Term 2 here we come!

We are so happy to see everyone back this week after what we hope was a relaxing and enjoyable break for all. We have lots of things to do this term, including a specific focus on NAPLAN skills for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Assessments are important this term, as well as preparation for half yearly exams. Students are more than welcome to bring in assignments and school work for extra assistance from their tutors.

1/3, 2018: The Term is in Full Swing!

As children transition into a new year they face unique atmospheres and degrees of freedom. Teachers of each year also approach things with a unique preconception of the stage of development of their students. The Tuition Place will provide you with the assistance, support and advice you need to succeed in this new learning environment.

Term 1, 2018: Lots of Changes

Many things change as you go into the new school year. Your new teacher will try to spend time revising the previous year's work. Then will come what can be a bewildering array of new things. There will be new concepts to master, a new environment to adapt to and new assessments to prepare for.

Your Tuition Place tuition will support you in facing all of this with confidence, allowing you to have a successful, enjoyable year.

Latest Improvements

Just completed: a set of activities to help with numeracy skills. Addition and subtraction skills and fact families.

Coming Dates

* Term 2 2018: Ten weeks - Monday 30th April to Saturday 7th July. 

Lost Something?

If you think you may have left something behind during one of your lessons, look on top of the white cupboard in the waiting room.

High School Students:

If you have exams coming up, find out when they are on and exactly what is in them. Let your tutor know.

Cool Video

Here is a cool video about Pythagoras' Rule. This old Maths teacher

couldn't help but include it on this page.

Pythagoras Video

(After you've watched the video, click on the Back arrow to return to The Tuition Place.)

